
Either you are sorting it out, or you are full of it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Russian Interest in Scruta

It seems that the Russian netizens of the world have taken a shine to this particular nook in the interwebs, this half-hearted rambling through the world in all its various aspects, this journal of a maladroit, desperately melodramatic young man on an aeteological quest for the defining principles of the universe, or at least a couple friendly comments.

Unfortunately, it seems that most of these comments have been left in Russian, which this humble author can not read. Judging by the fact the links attached to these comments were for porno or painkillers or viagra, I decided to junk them all. But just to be fair, I decided to ask my Russian friend, Moose&Squirrel, to translate for me.

The following are the original comments with Moose&Squirrel’s translations (plus commentary in parenthesis):

Интересно даже для бухгалтера:

interesting even for an accountant

Информативно,продолжай в том же духе:

informative, continue your work with such a spirit

на края луны, без вины, без вина, она одна о_0 пробило:

at the edge of the moon, without guilt, without wine, she alone exists(this has to do with your blog? i dunno??)

Захватывающе. Зачет! и ниипет!:

breathtaking…… (and i have no idea what this person is trying to say after this point.)

Well, it looks like even with their spam the Russians are still kings of the literary world.

posted by ferret at 12:29 am  

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